This needs to be discussed
This is my 7 month old son Gideon. It's been months since Gideon has been weighed. I usually have him weighed at the WIC office every 3 months. I've been avoiding it like the plague. Why you might ask? Because every time I have him weighed they tell me he is under weight. They have a chart that measures babies weight by months of age. Since birth Gideon has been just a under the normal weight range. They keep telling me he is a perfectly healthy and happy baby. Then why this concern over his weight? This has been stressing me out. Every time I go to get WIC vouchers I have to weigh Gideon. I leave stressed out. My stress causes Gideon to become stressed and eventually Bryan comes home to a stressed out mother and child. This needs to be discussed. I feel like Gideon is perfectly healthy. Unfortunately being overweight has become the norm in this country. The subject in question is obesity. Child obesity to be exact. I am not trying to offend anyone. I am only ...